Yes. All of that. That we should even be getting excited about yet another unnecessary luxury item as the collapse looms. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns!

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Thought provoking and well put….I particularly appreciate your link to the rainforest alliance and the mention of “The Lost Words” I wish you well with limiting internet use and am so glad that I am old enough to have grown up before such overwhelming intrusions and distractions.

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Thanks Tom. The other day I was complaining about the lack of proper, honest information online. When I look at the world today a quote from Walter Scott pops into my head - Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive! Everything seems to be about massaging information so it's fits someone else's agenda. Last week's COP meeting was yet another farce. We could do with a movement back to honesty so we know were we are going and what we can do about it.

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Thank u for writing this. Humans ruin absolutely everything...except for the small % like ppl who notice, care (like you who chose to shine the spotlight on this nonsense)& thank God Steve Irwin had children,&his beautiful kids are slowly starting to have children. The Irwins cant save everyone though. I help rescue birds. Mostly waterfowl, but alot of birds in the spring. All birds have been in decline for awhile now which I'm sure you know. That is nothing compared to the ppl who try to save these magnificent mammals. Ofcourse everyone (meaning animals) have this place in the world and in my opinion it was theirs first. Humans are greedy and selfish. I travel for work and see the deforestation just in small parts of Pennsylvania and it makes me sick. Bulldozers actually give me anxiety now to the point I notice I start breathing weird. I want to just shake these ppl and say, "do u realize what your doing?!?". Like my mom would say though...they DONT CARE. My God daughter is 13. She has been saving animals since she was old enough to hold one. It starts with the parents. Many of them teach their kids nature is disposable. That is where the schools should step in. It should be JUST AS IMPORTANT to have classes about conservation and why we need all the forests and animals (alive) and the critical part they play which in turn helps us as humans as it is to learn math. For a small example...every time I see a hit opossum on the side of the road I say to myself "that is 1000 more ticks that will live now daily...more lyme disease for humans and their beloved pets". Many ppl don't even know the amount of ticks they eat. Thank you for this interesting read. I'm definitely passing it along.

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