As I read your piece, a sparrowhawk swooned down, quick as a flash onto my veg plot and grabbed unsuspecting prey feeding on porridge oats that I had left out for the birdies. Being an amateur, I reached for the bird book to confirm what is a rare sighting in these parts. Could it be a sign that you are spreading vital information? Bitterly cold here today in the east of Ireland. Keep up the good work.

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Great spot - a sparrowhawk in flight is a gorgeous thing.

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Swiftest of recoveries to you! Handysides' art is really engaging, thanks for sharing it.

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A lovely tonic this morning. Your attention to, and moving in and out of, the close up details as well as the larger landscapes is lovely, and I enjoyed the crescendo of the music as the bird at the end (what is it?) dips under. I used to live around here for a little while and run around the wetlands and enjoyed the Waltham Forest festival too which was very focused around well-being, nature, it’s a lovely area!

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always lovely to hear from a local person! The bird at the end is a cormorant - big diving bird that likes to fish. Thanks for watching!

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Cute coot 'cubs'!

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Wonderful video. I also like making nature videos with just scenes of nature and music. I guess I should post some of them. :)

Thanks for sharing yours.

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Whoa! Such a great video! It reminds me of some of Marcus Warner's work. Maybe you'd be interested in that 🤷‍♂️😊

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Lovely. I am fortunate enough to live in an area where I can encounter most of the elements which you so beautifully weave together here, and yet assembled like this they present a deeper beauty and joy. Ordinary things, places, creatures are so extraordinary. And too often we take them for granted - if we notice them at all...

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Beautiful !!!

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So very beautiful. I hope you feel better soon ❤️✨

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Thank you! 🥰

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Your work brings me peace. Thank you! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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