I have thought about this deeply. If there is intelligent life out there, they would not visit us here on Earth, chiefly because of the violence and aggression of one species. Modern humans are not as advanced as we think we are.

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I think you’re right

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Agreed. Like the article says, we don't even know our own oceans yet. How can we pretend to know anything about the vast universe. If I were an alien and I saw earth I'd be avoiding any contact, "let's just go around" 😅

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Loved this piece. Your writing has always been good, but your blogs just keep getting better.

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Thanks man that means a lot! I’m particularly proud of this one

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What a wonderful yet disturbing article. It has always saddened me that most of us are so self absorbed that we fail to appreciate all of the wonders of nature around us. The numbers of undiscovered species is truly mind boggling. Thank you for writing.

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Regarding life beyond the planet, you just never know. Maybe we'll have a massive war, a mad scientist will come along and discover warp drive, and then the Vulcans will make first contact...?

As for the rest of the article, I don't think we're ready to discover life beyond this planet. I cringe at the idea of people buying land on the Moon and Mars when we abuse what we have here. People mostly don't want to be responsible because it means having to swallow the fact that we've got a lot of things wrong. It requires great strength to go beyond that. We can dream of a day where everyone will take responsibility for the Earth, but until that day it's up to the minority of us to lead by example.

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An absolutely beautiful piece, I hope that whoever reads this over the next few weeks is inspired to take action where they are. If we all took action today, every single one of us, think what life could be ✨✨

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This was extremely insightful and thought provoking. Thank you for writing this.

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Thanks very much for taking the time to read it

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Beautifully written Thomas, very sobering but very thought provoking. I have re read this several times and still find it as interesting and impactful as the first time. I cannot understand why we are not all concerned about the future of our amazing planet. As a species it is time we stopped being so selfish and started acting to protect the future for our children, grandchildren and all life on earth.

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I’m curious what you think about the evidence that we do have of intelligent life from other planets: orbs, unexplained phenomena, cattle mutilation, widespread sightings like the Varginha or Colares UFO incident…do you think that is evidence of other beings, or just humans messing around / conspiracy ?

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Good question. There are certainly lots of unexplained phenomena. Those shared experiences are fascinating, but none of them are decisive scientific evidence of extraterrestrial life that has changed our understanding of the universe - all we have are people’s word for it.

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